The Agency for Regulation and Control of Non-Renewable Energy and Natural Resources is divided into three new agencies

On May 8, 2024, through Executive Decree No. 256, the President divided the Agency for the Regulation and Control of Energy and Non-Renewable Natural Resources into three new agencies: (i) Mining Regulation and Control Agency (ARCOM); (ii) Electricity Regulation and Control Agency (ARCONEL); and (iii) Hydrocarbons Regulation and Control Agency (ARCH). These agencies will act […]

Reforms to the Regulations of the Organic Law of the Public Electricity Service

On August 23, 2022, the Executive Decree No. 540 was issued, which contains the Reform to the Regulations of the Organic Law of the Public Electricity Service . Below, we present the most relevant points of Decree 540: Transmission by the private sector.– Decree 540 regulates the conditions under which transmission activities may be delegated […]


By Ministerial Agreement No. MEM-MEM-2022-0024-AM, published in Official Gazette No. 91 of June 24, 2022, the Ministry of Energy and, issued the “Public Policy of the Electricity Sector. Below, we present the most relevant points of Public Policy: Purpose and scope of application. – Public Policy is applicable in any act disposed to the administration, […]